Collier's Guide to Night Photography

~ 3rd Edition ~

By Grant Collier
Collier's Guide to Night Photography in the Great Outdoors - 3rd Edition
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Also consider Grant's instructional
videos on Post-Processing Night Photos.

All 3 videos (from 2015): 119.85 $49.95
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Book Length: 160 pages, 75,000 words
Dimensions: 8.5" x 11"
ISBN: 9781935694786
Publication Date: June, 2024
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The night sky may be the most awe-inspiring spectacle that any of us will ever see. It can, however, be difficult to capture in a photograph, as it requires specialized techniques that are rarely used when shooting images during the day.

In this fully-updated 3rd edition, Grant Collier sheds light on how to capture these otherworldly images by sharing secrets he has learned over the past 17 years. He explains how to take photos of the Milky Way, northern lights, meteors, eclipses, lightning, and much more.

Grant begins by reviewing equipment and supplies that are helpful when photographing at night. He then discusses many software programs, web sites, and mobile apps that will help you plan your shots. Finally, he offers extensive advice on how to capture and process images at night. He goes beyond the basics and teaches how to blend multiple exposures and create huge stitched images to capture incredibly detailed photos that you never before thought possible!

The 3rd edition has been completely updated for 2024. It includes information on the best new camera gear and on improved noise reduction and sharpening software. There are many other small updates throughout the rest of the book, and there are a few new photos. However, since the 2nd edition was released less than 4 years earlier, it's not a huge update from that edition. If you own the 1st edition, it is a very substantial update from that book.

Some of the topics covered include:

- What equipment to use.

- Software programs and apps for planning your shots.

- What camera settings to use.

- What moon phases to shoot under.

- Light painting the foreground and recommended flashlights.

- Capturing star trails, including special effects like comet-like trails.

- Stitching huge images that can be printed very large.

- Stacking images and blending multiple exposures to increase detail.

- Focus stacking to increase depth of field.

- Using an equatorial mount (or star tracker).

- Enlarging star size to bring out constellations.

- How to photograph the Milky Way, northern lights, eclipses, meteors, lightning, air glow, lava, and more!

- Minimizing noise, light pollution, and elongated stars in post-processing.

Click on right side of cover to flip through a selection of sample pages from the book:


Rated by as one of the "23 Best Outdoor Photography eBooks of All Time."

"I've been contemplating writing my own e-book on this very topic for awhile now; however, I feel like there's no way I could have done a better job than Grant has in this tremendous guide. It is an absolute slam dunk." - Matt Payne, photographer (See Full Review)

"I really like learning something new, and usually I don't learn all that much from books on photo techniques any more. But I learned quite a few new things from this book… If you weren't enthralled with night photography before, you will be after reading this book." - Rod Barbee, photographer (See Full Review)

"Collier’s eBook is well written, well researched and well referenced. On top of all that the book is packed with stunning images to highlight different techniques and settings." - Tony Prower, photographer (See Full Review)

"It covers everything you need to get started, is quite detailed and thorough, features plenty of amazing example photos, and is very reasonably priced." - Marc Andre, photographer See Full Review

"I have several books on night photography and this one is clearly the best of them all." - Bjorn Moerman, photographer

"Collier’s Guide to Night Photography covers more topics and goes into more depth than other books on the same subjects...It is the night photography book from which I have learned the most." - QT Luong, photographer

"Grant has produced a giant addition to the accumulated knowledge of outdoor photographers." - Arthur Lund, photographer

"I have enjoyed your 'Night Photography' book more than I expected and I can easily say that it became my number one source as a night photo guide...What I like most about your book is, it is a guide for almost all situations we can encounter in the outdoors." - Melih Cavli, photographer

"An extraordinary and highly 'user friendly' instruction manual, "Collier's Guide to Night Photography in the Great Outdoors" should be considered a 'must read' by anyone wanting to take photographs of night sky phenomena. " - Midwest Book Review

"Eye candy to look at and encyclopedic to read. Best book on night photography I've ever seen. He knows his subject and practices what he preaches." - M. Wieder

"Grant Collier's book is extremely comprehensive going from reviewing equipment and supplies, discussing software programs, websites and mobile apps to help you in your pursuit of an excellent night sky image. He gives great tips and instruction on how to blend multiple exposures, create huge stitched images, and how to process your images to make them the best that they could be." - Myer Bornstein, photographer

"This book is a great read for anyone interested in night time outdoor photography... It's full of wonderful images of the sky at night in dramatic settings and should prove a useful guide to someone who already knows a bit about the craft of photography." - ePHOTOzine

"I was very impressed by the amount of detail that Collier covered in the book and the photos were top-notch. Just about everything you need to know about the genre is covered...I highly recommend this book!" - Richard Wong, photographer

"This book is well written with an amazing amount of detail." - Valerie Goettsch, Digital Photos 101

Rated "5-Stars" for both the photography and the text at